Our network of Bakers Without Borders is now connecting:
in more than 20 countries on 6 continents, and we thank you that you are about to become one of us!
Our mission is to help you drive positive social change through unique bread-making services and HIGH-TOUCH Bread Therapy that mix bread making with different art forms and nurture creativity and inclusion in communities around the world, across ages, special needs, as well as socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds.
We have developed a unique story-telling method – the Theater of Crumbs – which has been proven as a new form of art therapy – Bread Therapy. Our methods are incredibly universal in application and have united and transformed people as diverse as:
War veterans and refugees, women victims of domestic violence and bullying pupils, at-risk youth and former prisoners, feuding religious and ethnic groups, orphans and abandoned elderly, people with disabilities and managers, homeless and politicians (even Presidents), hospital patients and artists, professors and homeless, low-income deaf children with children of diplomats exchanging languages, sight-impaired and sighted people kneading in full darkness…
Now imagine all of these people not in separate events, but mixed, kneading together.
Yes, it might sound bold or even crazy, but we have seen it work and invite you to unite literally EVERYONE around one table!

You can become a Crumbassador and make an impact in two different ways, both of which are found on this website. The first one is free and can be found in the section Our Network. The second way is through a paid training in the Get Trained section, which will equip you with all the knowledge you might need to embark on this mission and earn you an official license to build your own Bread House.