Career Counseling Center

3S Career Orienteering

The 3S (Sifting-Shaping-Sharing) Career Counseling Method challenges people to take different roles as they go through bread-kneading stages as metaphors that help them rethink their lives and choose the appropriate and desired professional and life paths. People with similar or different backgrounds and career orientation can together take part. The method is especially suitable for young people who are faced with professional choice and for professionals who are looking for an inspiration for a change.

How can our methodology benefit your work:

  • Providing an opportunity for students to find their ideal work
  • Making, baking and breaking bread together as an universal symbol of building a better society together based on understanding, solidarity, dignity and respect for the others
  • Diversification of career orienteering method
  • Learning by doing program
  • Understanding better our own skills and wishes