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Our network connects various types of Bread Houses, all based on the vision that a Bread House is an open-access community space and a successful social enterprise at the same time. The social enterprise model can include the following formats (the model can function both by combining the two formats or implementing only one of them):
Socio-cultural (events) center
A space that offers free community and therapy events alongside paid services for various clients: alternative career orientation for educational institutions (kindergartens, schools, universities), teambuilding for companies and non-profits, children’s special birthday parties, family therapy, and more. The revenue from these paid services covers the overhead costs, so we can offer free social inclusion programs.
Bakery social enterprise
A bakery (registered company) that produces and sells high-quality, healthy sourdough bread and pastry products. Here the social impact is achieved by both training and employing people from various disadvantaged backgrounds and at the same time organizing community events with the BHN methods and/or donating part of the revenues to the Bread Houses Network non-for-profit. The bakery could include in its space an area for community baking events, and thus also function as a Bread House socio-cultural center.
“Bread House”
People and organizations who we have trained in our methods and given a license to use them. Usually they start the BH programs (series of regular events) in an already existing local organization or even at various locations depending on the format. Volunteers around the world have also purchased our toolkit in a game format, Bakers Without Borders, which summarizes two of our main methods, and the platform with the same name features some of the people applying our methods around the world.
In all three of the above listed formats, we apply locally tailored methods of our Bread Therapy.