I am so impressed by all the positive change in this world through the Bread Houses Network started by one single woman. You have been instrumental in helping me shape a vision which had been incubating inside of me for years but I never was able to formulate until I came across BHN and one of your TEDTalks at a very low point in my life after a divorce 4 years ago. I truly feel called to spread the "gospel of bread" and bring people together and share a piece of their lives with each other in a kind and accepting way.
Sibyl E. León, BHN Crumbassador, Founder of the BREAD Encounters non-profit (USA)
As you explore the different kinds of Bread Houses, you will probably take one of three routes.
Creating a new non-for-profit organization (NGO)
This might be a harder process than setting up a program with existing organization, but it is rewarding and gives you much flexibility to design your own model of work: what groups you will help, which of the methods and services will you mostly use (for example, if you want to support sight-impaired people, then the main thing you need is an NGO to rent a space that can be fully darkened with special curtains and using the Bread in the Dark method as both free and paid service).
Registering a company to run the bakery Bread House
This step would require a business-plan, which does not have to be complicated (we started small and simple, with one second-hand bread oven and no employees, just our family), but be ready for a year or two of hardly any profit and gradual growth of your products and employees.
Building a BH program out of an existing organization
(or church, community center, direct services public agency for homeless, etc.)
For example, this is clearly the path with the Angel Bread program designed for church outreach, and in general suited for people who first want to volunteer with the BH initiative.

Whatever you choose, your initiative will be connected as a member to our mother organization through a licensing agreement we sign after we officially train you in our methods. Our brand - our name, logo and taglines - are all trademarked and not available to share with partners without written agreement.
You can find the training options below:
This option gives you access to the main training modules in our unique 13+ different Bread Therapy methods and programs and 10 types of paid services, an official license through a signed license agreement, membership fee for the Bread Houses Network, and many other perks. Most of all, you will have a chance to make a real impact on the world.
You will also receive the Bakers Without Borders game for free.
People who have gotten access to the main training can request at any time 5-hour individual online mentorship. The mentorship provides personalized guidance depending on the goal of the requesting Crumbassador. We can also supervise a community Bread Making Event that you are facilitating and provide constuctive feedback. As a bonus, you will receive marketing materials, which include banners, flyers and other ways to promote your Bread House.
This option consists of a bundle of the main training and the 5-hour individual online mentorship. It is the best way to start your journey as Crumbassador.
You will also receive the Bakers Without Borders game for free.