

The Angel Bread Program employs Christian themes with metaphors and parables from the Bible as lessons for a more humane personhood and society. The program organizes community baking events in parishes and communities where people express interest and initiative, in order to inspire people to weave together closer relationships of love and sharing, combining the making of bread with the reading and discussion of Scripture, preferably with a priest or theologian. The name “Angel Bread” is inspired by the beautiful classical hymn “Panis Angelicus”, which sings about the “Bread of Angels” which became the “Bread of Man” – Christ offering Himself as the Bread of the World.

Why would you be interested in the training module Angel Bread:

  • If you are an organization working with Christian communities
  • If you volunteer or an artist working in a church
  • If you are a cultural center engaging people in collective creative activities
  • If one of your core values is love and respect for the others
  • If you are a baker who knows the power of bread

How can our methodology benefit your work:

  • Providing an opportunity for people to have a quality time together and share their believes
  • Providing an opportunity for discussion of the Scripture in a creative way
  • A therapeutical approach to psychological issues
  • Making, baking and breaking bread together as an universal symbol of building a better society together based on understanding, solidarity, dignity and respect for the others
  • Sharing sensitive personal stories – kneading bread with the feeling, aroma and symbolism of home and family that it creates touches people deeply and helps them easily open to others and offer mutual support