Prisons and rehabilitation programs


The Freedom Bread Program aims to help former prisoners get re-integrated in society by both helping them build connections with their family and relatives, and at the same time creating for them a new social environment by mixing them with people of diverse professional backgrounds, which helps the former prisoners form new relationships different from the ones that were previously conducive to deviant behavior. The Program can also be implemented in prisons and detention centers in order to help nurture new values and social skills in the prisoners, which they will later need to build a new life in freedom.

How can our methodology benefit your work:

  • A never seen before methodology which meets ex-prisoners and local community under the motto ‘Around bread we are all EQUAL! ‘
  • A therapeutical approach to complex psychological issues
  • Making, baking and breaking bread together as an universal symbol of making peace and going above the fear of the unknown
  • Mixing ex-prisoners with the local population and creating opportunities for interaction and exchange, which leads to overcoming prejudices and building genuine communities
  • Our methodology is a good practice of activities decreasing the levels of prejudices in society due to a better understanding of people and their background
  • Empowerment of prisoners and ex-prisoners through bread making sessions to become active citizens in the society
  • Diversification of social events in which prisoners and ex-prisoners meet and interact with the local community
  • Provision of a sheltered space for ex-prisoners where they can engage in creative activities, spend some time outside their daily environment and improve their social skills.
  • Sharing sensitive personal stories – kneading bread with the feeling, aroma and symbolism of home and family that it creates touches people deeply and helps them easily open to others;
  • Team work – participants work in pairs

What problems we solve:

  • Lack of diverse social events in which ex-prisoners meet and interact with the local community;
  • Limited access to events with local community representatives as a result of lack of information, protected and safe environment, transportation opportunities, etc.;
  • Deeply based prejudices and stereotypes in the local community related to prisoners and ex-prisoners
  • The voice of prisoners and ex-prisoners is rarely heard and appreciated
  • Psychological traumas related to prison stays